The St. Catharines Heritage Advisory Committee in partnership with the St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre are exhibiting a display in the month of November at the Central Library.

This joint display celebrates local people who participated in the first World War, The Great War. Artifacts from the war include uniforms, recruitment posters, photographs, letters and other memorabilia of the period.

Below are some songs that were  popular during the war years.

This is the fourth annual display coordinated by the City’s Heritage Advisory Committee, the third in conjunction with the St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre. The City welcomes residents to share their Great War stories with a guest book to be provided just outside the display in the library lobby. Alternately, residents are encouraged to Tweet using the hashtage #heritageSTC or use the City’s Facebook page to tell us your family stories.

The Maple Leaf Forever (sung by W.H. Thompson) – recorded in 1911

It’s a Long Long Way to Tipperary (sung by Alfred Farrington) – recorded in 1914

Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts for Soldiers (sung by Billy Murray) – recorded in 1915

Over There (sung by the Peerless Quartet) – recorded in 1917

Bing! Bang! Bing ’em on the Rhine (sung by Billy Murray and the American Quartet) – recorded in 1918

Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning (sung by Arthur Fields, lyrics by Irving Berlin) – recorded in 1919